Walking back from the Luxembourg Gardens toward the Seine, we pass Saint Suplice, the third largest church in Paris, dating from 1646. The original Romanesque church on this site was built in the 13th century and the current building was built between 1646 and 1745. We're intrugued and enter the church.
Saint Suplice and square in front
Saint Suplice
From Saint Suplice, we walk over to the Seine and down a few blocks to Mus
ée d'Orsay to find that it is closed today. Luckily, we're in Paris a few days and can return later. We admire nearby store window displays and the sculptures outside the museum before continiung down the Seine.
Store windows
Sculptures outside the Musée d'Orsay
Continuing along the banks of the Seine, we watch the boats and barges moving up and down the river, some with freight, some with tourists.
River traffic
Some craft are more permanently moored, converted to restaurants, clubs, and residences.
Restaurant/club on a boat
Living on a boat
The Grand Palais appears in the distance as we cross the Seine and enter the Tuileries, the gardens between the Louvre and Place de la Concorde.
Grand Palais in the distance.
Musée d'Orsay now across the river, Louvre down the street
Entering the Tuileries Garden
Walking through the Tuileries
We head back to our room to check the list of current exhibitions in Paris and decide where to go next.
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