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Friday, October 30, 2020
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Nice, France
On the Mediterranean, in the south of France, near Monaco and the Italian border, Nice is always a great stop to wander around and enjoy Cote d'Azur life. A day in Nice often starts with a walk along the beach to Castle Hill (Colline du Château), 300 feet above the city, for sweeping panoramic views of Nice and the Baie Des Anges (Bay of Angels).
To the east is the port of Nice, with a small fishing fleet, ferries to Corsica, and the occasional cruise boat. To the west is the Promenade des Anglais, the famous walkway along the beach with grand hotels facing the Mediterranean, separate lanes for walking, skating, and biking and, of course, the beach.
From Castle Hill, it's a short walk to the port to pick a restaurant on the water and enjoy mussels (in wine, one with mustard and one with chorizo) and fish salad with octopus, calamari, shrimp, and mussels. And, for desert, profiteroles.
From our table, we look out on the old harbor, with ferries coming and going, large yachts tied up on one side and traditional fishing boats lined up on the other.
Friday, October 23, 2020
Favorite Fun Things in Paris
There are so many fun things to do in Paris, it's hard to choose what to share. Here are a few of our favorites, starting with walking through Paris at night.