Friday, May 31, 2024

Walking Over to Herrenhausen Gardens in Hannover

We walk through nothern Hannover from our hotel to the Herrenhausen Gardens, one of the most distinguised Baroque gardens in Europe.

Passing across the top of the city, we travel through neighborhoods and parks that we haven't visited before and find a lot of new and interesting sights, starting with scenery painted on buildings.

Building art

We follow a hike/bike path heading in the right direction and walk along it for a kilometer or two, passing residences, parks, and community gardens.

Hike/bike path

Residences on the path

Gardens along the way

The scenery changes from modern buildings and parks to an older style with front- and side-yard garden plots and small, extremely cute cottages in a more rural environment.

Cottage life

Rural setting

As we approach our destination, we find art on the brick walls of the Berggarden across the street from our destination, then the view opens up as we approach the Herrenhausen Gardens and we stop at a kiosk at the edge of Georgengarten, just outside the entrance for some refreshment.

Messages on the walls

Open spaces around the gardens

Light refreshment

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