Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Permenent Collection at the Centre Pompidou

We finish viewing the photography exhibition in the Centre Pompidou and go down a floor to see some of the permanent collection located on the 4th and 5th levels of the building.  Level 5 shows founding episodes of modern art from 1905 to 1965, including the avant-garde movements.  Level 4 hosts comtemporary works produced from the 1960s onward, inclding monumental and immersive installations.

In the courtyard

Viewing the city as we travel down the escallator

We reenter the building from the external escallator and wander.

Permanent collection

Outside the museum, the Stravinsky Fountain (La Fontaine Stravinsky) is fully operating again (just in time for the Olympics in a few months).  The fountain is a whimsical water display with sixteen sculptures, moving and spraying water, representing the works of the composer Igor Stravinsky.  As one might imagine, there are a lot of moving parts and there has been some deterioration since its creation in 1983.  But, now it is all working again!

The Stravinsky Fountain

It's time to wander back toward Avenue des Champs-Élysées, once again through the Tuileries Gardens and crossing Place de la Concorde.

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