Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Old Town in Hannover

Hannover's expansive Old Town was mostly destroyed by bombing during World War II.  After the war, the remaining facades were moved together to form a "new" Old Town, now made up of around forty half-timber constructions, among them Hannovers's oldest church, the Kreuzkirche, dating from 1333.

On the way to Old Town, we pass the Denkmal der Göttinger Sieben, a monument to seven university professors, commemerating their resistance to the repeal of the state constitution in 1837.

Denkmal der Göttinger Sieben

After the monument, we enter the Old Town and head over to the Markthalle Hannover, a fabulous food market and hall.

Entering the Old Town


Leaving the market, we wander into the main square, past the Kreuzkirche and the Old City Hall.


Old City Hall

Leaving the square, we wander the streets and admire the beauty and charm of this area.

The streets of Old Town

We return from Old Town to the River Leine and walk along the banks, admiring the river, the architecture, the artwork, and the spring plantings.

Along the banks of the Leine

Strolling back to our hotel, we pass many examples of post-war Hannover architecture and, of course, the efficient trams.

Modern residences

Tram leaving station near the hotel

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