Friday, June 21, 2024

Continuing to Wander in Gig Harbor

Continuing our trek through Gig Harbor, we pass Austin Park in the corner of the harbor and walk up Donkey Creek which drains into the harbor and up which Chum Salmon swim to spawn in the late fall.  Donkey Creek is named after the "donkey engine," a steam-powered winch used by loggers to drag heavy logs up to the Austin Mill alongside the creek.

Donkey Creek

Salmon in the fall

Salmon observation point

Alongside the creek are incubator barrels which local commercial fisherman fill with about one million hatchery eggs in January of each year.   The barrels protect the emerging fish from predators and strong currents as they develop, greatly increasing their survival rate.

Salmon incubator

Continuing along the harbor from Donkey Creek, we come to North Gig Harbor, the orginal downtown, now an area of restaurants, shops, offices, docks, and small parks, with great views across the harbor to the mountains (particularly Mount Rainier).

Small parks


Views of Mount Rainier across the harbor

Restaurants and docks

Moored at one of the docks is the Concordia, the original ferry between Seattle and Vashon Island, built in 1930.


Scattered through the city are statues commemorating the nautical heritage and those fishermen lost at sea.


Buck and King Salmon

Gig Harbor

We are so lucky to live nearby and be able to easily visit this fabulous place.

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