We take a morning stroll around Montpellier, starting down the decorated streets on our way to Promenade du Peyrou, a favorite park in the city, with its own Arc de Triumphe (built in 1691 as a tribute to King Louis XIV and called the Porte du Peyrou).
Gayly decorated streets
Trolley tracks under Porte du Peyrou
Porte du Peyrou
Entering the park, we walk along the edge, as the center of the park is being set up for a marathon to be run in a few days. At the end of the park, we get great views of the city and the landscape around it.
Around the edge of the park
Setting up for the marathon
Reaching the end of the park
Viewing the countryside
We follow the Roman aquaduct out of the park into the city on the far side and wander through a new [to us] section of Montpellier. It's really impressive how the aquaduct, although no longer functional, has been integrated into the design of the city.
Following the aquaduct
Jardin des Plantes
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