Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Exploring Vernazza

We decide to spend a few hours poking around Vernzza.  We hike to Vernazza from Monterosso every time we visit Cinque Terre and generally don't stop, either taking the train back to Monterosso or continuing on to the next town of Corniglia.  It's time to wander the streets of Verrnazza itself.  We take the quick train ride over and start down via Roma, the main street through town from the train station to Piazza Marconi and the harbor.

Arriving in Vernazza

At the harbor, we look out over the water and back at the piazza.

Up the coast toward Monterosso

Piazza Marconi

At the side of the piazza, we stop for a quick bite of assorted fried fish in a cone, one of our favorite quick dishes in Cinque Terre.

Quick bite

After cone of fish (and a glass of wine), we start up the narrow, sometimes steep, streets of the city, exploring the neighborhood around the piazza, then moving further up and toward the sea.

Streets of Vernazza

Every now and then, we get a glimpse of the Mediterranean off a small piazza at the end of the street.

Suddenly, the sea

Looking the other way, we also get an occasional glimpse over the rooftops to the hills surrounding the city, the hills through which we have hiked many times.  

View across the roofs

We continue our stroll through the city streets, exploring the neighborhood a block or two off Piazza Marconi.

Continuing through the city

Along the way, we find a poke shop, with a Luca theme and guarded by a cat.

Luca's Poke

We also get an occasional glimpse of the Piazza Marconi at the other end of a street.

Glimpse of the piazza

We continue wandering the street, proceeding roughly parallel to the main street, via Roma.

Continuing through the city

Soon we descend to via Roma, heading away from Piazza Marcon toward the train station, and find  cats guarding the shops (as we saw in Riomaggiore a few days before).

Back on via Roma

Guard cats

Our train back to Monterosso has a Luca theme.  The recent movie was set in Ponterosso, a fictionalized city based on the towns of Cinque Terre and is great fun to watch and to see the Cinque Terre themes and locations incorporated in the film.

Luca-themed train

Back in Monterosso, it's a stormy day and the beaches are peaceful and serene.

Stormy day

That evening, the view from our room in Villa Steno is incredible, with the moon peaking through the clouds and illuminating the city.

View across Monterosso

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