Friday, September 10, 2021

Arriving in Hannover, Germany

Travel is challenging in these Covid-19 times; the rules change often and one must have the exact correct paperwork, tests, vaccinations, and government forms to enter many countries.  We fly to Germany with our proof of vaccination (both the US CDC Card and the French EU Digital Covid Certificate issued by the French Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé on the basis of our [US] CDC vaccination records and accepted in all EU countries and the UK), copies of our entry forms completed on the German government website, and our passports.  All is in order and we breeze through our check-in at the airline.  However, on arrival in Frankfurt, the immigration authorities are inspecting all the documents and we spend quite a while in line.  But, soon we are on our way, catching the train from Frankfurt to Hannover, a distance of about 350 km (215 miles).

Frankfurt train station

The train passes through beautiful countryside, scenic and relaxing.  Fall is coming soon and the fields are harvested and ready for the new season.

German countryside

We check into our hotel and head out a stroll through the pedestrian-only center of modern Hannover.

Pedestrian ways

Adjacent to the pedestrian area, the old town was rebuilt after World War 2, in which 90% of the city was destroyed.

New and old towns

On the sidewalk leading between parts of the city, creative minds have painted games.

Sidewalk fun

The old town hall is in the center of old town, with the new town hall a few blocks away

Old and new town halls

Across the park from the new town hall, the Maschsee is a 78-hectare (0.3 square mile) man-made lake supporting water sports during good weather.


Between the new town hall and the Maschsee, Maschpark is a tranquil oasis with paths, benches, and views of the town hall across a small lake.


It's getting late in our arrival day and we head back to old town to find dinner, intrigued by a craft bier bar, where we try a few assorted glasses and polish off a pizza.

Attractive dining spots

Dinner and a few bier

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